Saturday, June 13, 2009

First blog post ever.

Well, here it is. I have decided to start a blog. The biggest reason for this is that I have a lot of stuff go through my head and I decided I needed to start putting it down somewhere. I have opinions, thoughts, ideas and for my own sanity I thought writing some of them out would help me, and if they are helpful to any readers out there, then all the better.

I hesitated to start this blog because once I start I am committed to it. Committed to writing it, committed to putting my thoughts out there in cyberspace for all to see. In the end though I have decided to go through with it because I think the benefits far outweigh the negatives. I also have been looking for motivation to write for years and I thought this would be a good start.

So, what can you expect from a blog entitled 'Jeremy's Ramblings'? Well, those in the know say your blog should be about that which you are passionate about. So with that in mind (and trust me I have thought long and hard about this) I have decided to have a blog about no one specific thing. My passions are many and how can I write only about comic books, or movies, or God. No, I must write whatever happens to be on my mind at the time, sometimes it will be serious, sometimes humouress ( I hope), but in the end it will be about the things that I am about. Also, do not expect daily blog posts from me. Right now I am challenging myself to write at least once per week. I also plan to keep thing fairly short, no one wants to read me ranting for 20 pages.

So, I hope, dear reader, that you will take time every week (and possibly more) to come and see what is on my mind. I look forward to hearing from those who read this blog (if anyone) and hope that some of the things that I write will challenge and encourage.


  1. Anything written at 4:45 am deserves a good comment! looking forward to following the ramblings Jeremy.

  2. Welcome to the cult... I mean club... I mean blogosphere.

    If your Facebook status updates are any indication, this should be an interesting experiment!

  3. I too noted this wa written at 4:45 am. Dog get you up?

  4. Thanks for the comments. Sadly, it was not written at 4:45 AM, the time stamp is wrong it was more like 6:45. Hope everyone keeps reading.
